This interview was made in 2019. Full version available only on The Queer Talks book. To be updated about the release click here

What's your name and how old are you?
My name is Nicolò I'm 18 and I'm from Pescara, Italy
How and when did you realize you're gay?
Let's just say I've always known I was attracted to guys, I distinctly remember writing a love letter when I was eight for this kid that used to take swimming classes with me, it was in middle school though when I learned that being gay was a thing and on that I need to thank both internet/social media and the straight guys that started using "faggot" as an insult and I would find myself always called out that way even though I was still in the closet.
What was your most painful discriminatory experience so far?
I could name single episodes of discrimination that I had to put up with, but I feel like it makes more sense emphasizing the general aspect of it. The fact that still to this day I'm afraid that whenever I'm walking down the street someone could yell at me or catcall me or insult me cause I'm "too feminine" compared to their ideal of how a guy should present himself. it's something that never goes away because you never know who you're gonna meet and that's why I'm not even able to express myself fully as I'd love to for example through makeup, not because I'm not comfortable wearing it but because it puts a target on my back and it's legitimately dangerous for me, same reason for which I can't even hold my boyfriend's hand when we're walking down the street
What do you like about you and what would you change?
I want to start by saying that I've had a very troubled relationship with my own image growing up but I think that's something anyone could relate to, I've had my fair share of eating disorders and self hatred but I can confidently say I'm at a point where I like everything about myself, from my lips and my eyes to my weird nipples and my tummy because I figured there's no point in spending time and energies hating my body. So to answer the question no, there's nothing I would change about myself because this is who I am and I'm 100% ok with it
Your tattoo is singular, what's its meaning to you, when did you cho
What do you like about you and what would you change?
I want to start by saying that I've had a very troubled relationship with my own image growing up but I think that's something anyone could relate to, I've had my fair share of eating disorders and self hatred but I can confidently say I'm at a point where I like everything about myself, from my lips and my eyes to my weird nipples and my tummy because I figured there's no point in spending time and energies hating my body. So to answer the question no, there's nothing I would change about myself because this is who I am and I'm 100% ok with it
Your tattoo is singular, what's its meaning to you, when did you cho